Future investment opportunities
The Traditional Owners have a vision for a diverse and thriving economy on the Gove Peninsula.
For any future investment, the Traditional Owners must be fully informed and leading discussions on economic development opportunities.
The below materials are intended to support proponents with an interest in the East Arnhem region to understand the principles of ‘development by consent’ and to engage with Traditional Owner corporations in a timely and appropriate manner.
Gove Peninsula Investment Gateway Tool
Over the coming decade, the Gove Peninsula will shift away from mining. This creates an opportunity to repurpose and diversify assets such as housing and land use including the deep water port.
This presents a special opportunity for growth and investment in new industry and partnerships with Traditional Owner groups and businesses. Traditional Owners, with the support of the Gove Peninsula Futures Reference Group, have established processes to assist potential proponents initiate engagement to explore opportunities on Aboriginal land.
The Gove Peninsula Investment Gateway Tool is an initial engagement process where significant development or new industry is proposed by project proponents. It facilitates structured and relevant information sharing by land use proponents (organisations/investors/businesses) with Traditional Owner corporations of the Gove Peninsula.
Traditional Owner corporations will:
- review proposals that come through the Gateway Tool,
- make a preliminary assessment, and
- may conduct (or commission) initial due diligence.
Traditional Owner corporations will then:
- agree to assess the project further or engage directly with the project proponent, or:
- decide a project is not consistent with their aspirations for development on their land and decline further engagement.
Please note that agreement at this stage is not a project endorsement; it is an opportunity for further discussion with the relevant Traditional Owners and precedes formal development and land approvals processes.

Asset Information Memorandum
Only key assets are presented, however there are other associated assets which can be discussed further with interested parties.